Customized Strategy And Direct Support
Exclusively available for photographers who have completed The Academy, we offer 1:1 mentorship opportunities to help you implement strategy and scale your business. Each photographer has different goals — for some it's shooting all summer for clients along the Mediterranean, for others it's working with bigger clients and hosting their first major retreat.
Our mentorships are designed to help you see the highest possibilities for your life, and to support you in hitting your professional and creative goals.

For photographers serious about getting big results.
A powerful month together with Carly Dame overhauling each area of your photography business, working towards big financial goals, clearing away blocks and doubts and strategically building the life you envision for yourself. Through deep strategy calls, daily text and voice mail support, you will take elevated steps together to redesign your future.Â
Inquire by emailing [email protected]Â and tell us a bit about your goals and vision.Â